Thursday, December 11, 2008


So, I haven't written on this for a while. Sorry, I have been trying to write up a thesis. Do you know how hard it is to write and sum up four and half years of your life. Not only do you have to sum it up, you have to sum it up intelligently. It Sucks! I am. firstly, not a good writer. I am a great orator. (I speak good talk) Give me a subject and I can bore you talking about it, however, that does not transfer to writing. I can't seem to get anything down that I really want to say. Also, I can't get across what I want to say. It is soooo frustrating. Right now I am working on half of my thesis. Since my thesis will consist of two completely different topics, I essentially have two theses with some sort of connecting chapter (heaven help me with that) to wrap it all together. So anywho, enough ranting...

I am getting ready to go home. I have a dentist appt. tomorrow and then Mom and I are going to get our nails done and just enjoy the day together and I wont have to think about flourescence until I get back!! Yeah!!

wish us luck...