Thursday, October 6, 2011

Books with Feeling

As most everyone who has met me knows, I love my books. My family just helped me move and of the trailer load, 5 boxes were dedicated just to my books. These were not little boxes mind you. Having said that, I am always on the look out for more books. I don't really have a preference other than it needs to be fiction or really REALLY interesting nonfiction. My cousin, who was in 8th grade at the time, told me about a trilogy that she read in school. She couldn't stop gushing about how good it was so like any self-respecting bibliophile I picked up the first book.

The first book is called 'The Hunger Games' by Suzanne Collins.
Have you read a book and immediately wanted to read it again for the first time? Or have you ever finished a book and wanted to make all your friends read it so you could discuss it with them? This book was both of those.

It took me a while to actually find time to read a book, let alone this book, but I managed to set aside some time during my lunch break Tuesday. I started reading. Next thing I know, my lunch is cold and my calendar is chiming that I have to prepare for lab. I was stunned. It was riveting. You immediately get sucked into Katniss's life. Needless to say it was a LONG three hours in lab. I was mad at myself for starting it at lunch time. Should have known not to start a book with a set time limit, silly me. Well, as soon as I walked in the door that evening, I picked up the book and finished it. This book was awesome. The emotion Suzanne Collins evokes is amazing. I'm almost positive my heart rate sped up when they were in the arena and I cried at other parts. Its probably one of the best books I have read in a while. I have made myself not buy the other two books. Work must come first. However, the weekend approaches and I have time to kill.

I just hope they do the book justice in the movie.

What books have touched you lately?